Saturday 13 June 2015

Make Every Drop of Fuel Last Longer

           As fuel costs are increasing day by day, Fuel Efficiency is the thing which the people ask for in India. Surely it is important to save fuel just not saves our money but our environment too.
So let’s save money as well as environment. Here are some tips and tricks which you can use and save fuel as well as make every drop of fuel last longer.

Healthy Engine:
A study on a large numbers of car has showed that you can save as much as 6% by tuning your car regularly. Engines that emits black smoke, has poor pulling power and consumes more oil and fuel. It should be immediately checked by experts. Sometimes a delay in getting checked such engine may consume fuel more than the checking and tuning costs.

Don’t wait to warm up car:
Do not wait for your car to warm up; instead you can drive in low gears till the engine warms up. Use Choke briefly only when necessary.

Driving Speed:
Driving slow and steady is a better way to save fuel, driving a vehicle between 45-50
Kmph is a good habit. As you go faster your vehicle faces more wind resistance and it consumes more fuel.   A survey on Indian cars says that you can get up to 40% extra mileage at 45-55 Km/H as against 80Km/H.

Driving the Correct Gears:

20 % Fuel consumption may happen because of incorrect gear shifting always start your
car in the 1st gear only, unless you are in exceptional condition. If you are driving in City change to a higher gear when you are sure that he engine will not struggle. Get in to top gear as soon as possible
Correct Tyre Pressure:
Studies have shown that a 25% decrease in tyre pressure ca cost you 5-10% more on petrol and 25% on tyre life. You may use radial tyres for 3-7% fuel economy, under inflated tyres increase rolling resistance, which causes higher fuel consumption.

Good Braking Habits:
When you slam on the brakes, a lot of energy is wasted. A good driver always anticipates stops. Be careful about stopping the vehicle, because stop-and go driving wastes more fuel. Rotating tyres and aligning wheels at regular intervals is also beneficial towards saving the fuel.

Keep your Foot off the clutch:
Use clutch only when you change gears, riding the clutch causes loss of energy and damages clutch-linings. Avoid wrong use of Clutch using clutch properly is a good driver’s habit.

Cleaning Air Filters:
Air filter prevents dust from fouling the engine. Dust causes rapid wear of engine components and increases fuel consumption. Cylinder bores wear out 45 times faster in engines without air cleaners , clean air filters at every time-up.

Use the Recommended Oil:
Look for the car manual and oil manufacturer’s recommendations, before using any
particular grade of oil.  For multiple benefits always use multi-grade oil equivalent to SPCC/SGCC type for added benefits. Engine oil that is thicker than the recommended oil can cause 2% increase in fuel consumption.

Stop Engine when you stop:
You car should be always ready to start for this keep the battery, dynamo, self starter and fan belt in good condition. This ensures a quick start whenever you need it. Always remember to turn off the engine whenever you stop for more than 2 minutes.

Planning the route:
Planning your route according to rush hour, stop and go traffic and other things may help you save fuel. Fuel consumption in a highly congested road can be double the normal.

 Reduce Loads           
Reducing the unnecessary load from your vehicle as it requires more pulling power which
causes more fuel consumption. So try to reduce the load from vehicle. A reduction of 50kg weight can lead up to 2 % saving in fuel, while driving in the city. The overhead racks also increase wind resistance leading to higher fuel consumption.

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