Saturday 11 July 2015

Understanding Wheel Alignment

What is Wheel Alignment?

Wheel Alignment is a part of standard automobile maintenance which includes the adjusting of the angles of wheels so they are set to the manufacturer's specification.  Wheel alignment causes the vehicle to move straight and reduce tyre wear. At the time of manufacturing car gets certain settings for the wheels (camber, castor, toe-in, toe-out etc) These aspects of wheel alignment are tuned to give the desired output of performance, efficiency, and a good ride. with time and travelling this setting gets disturbed  which affects the driving and handling of the car.

Detecting Improper Wheel Alignment

Patholes, hitting the curb or general tire wear can affect the wheel alignment. We can
not judge it so easily. But the small changes or disturbance in alignment can result in to affecting the balance and performance of the car.
some easily noticeable things of are:
your car pulls to one side when you leave the steering; when the ride feels a bit wobbly; when there is uneven tyre wear; loosing mileage etc. are the noticeable signs of bad wheel alignment.

Improper Wheel Alignment

Tire Wear:
 Resistance to motion will automatically release in increases and uneven tire wear.
Improper wheel alignment can also causes to abnormal contact between the tires and the road which results in to increased tire wear. Tire wear affects ride, handling, fuel efficiency and braking. Also, You may need to change the tyre because of improper alignment which is surely not a good thing.

Fuel Efficiency: 
Yes Fuel efficiency is the thing we Indians do love but,If the wheels of the car are not aligned properly they might experience uneven pressure. There might be instances where
the wheels might push against each other while moving as they might not be pointing in the right direction. This will lead to resistance in motion of the vehicle making it harder to move forward. This will cause more fuel to be burned in order to overcome this resistance.

Ride and Handling:
If the wheels are aligned improperly they may result in to a biased steering which pulls
the vehicle one side.  It also affects the braking which means it compromises the safety of your car.

 The most minute of adjustments to the wheels can affect ride and handling directly. If the wheels are not properly aligned they might result in a biased steering which pulls to one side. It will also affect braking which means it compromises the safety of the vehicle. A wobbly ride could also be a result of botched wheel alignment making the vehicle uncomfortable, especially at high speeds.

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